Winners for my June MIDNIGHT CONQUEST contest announced. Is it you??
Author: Arial Burnz
MIDNIGHT CONQUEST – my historical vampire romance – is finally published and I want to celebrate by giving some copies and prizes away. Read this blog to learn how to enter the contest and increase your chances of winning.
May-Give Away – Winner Announced!
Congratulations to Lee-Ellen Borg of the Paranormal Romance Guild! She entered the May Give Away contest I announced on May 1st in celebration of National Pet Month.
May Give-Away!
It’s National Pet Month and I’d like to celebrate by giving away some prizes! Read more to learn how to enter.
Qualities of a Good Critique Partner
How do you weed out the readers from the critiquers? And what are the GOOD qualities of a critique partner? I cover this in my blog post, “Qualities of a Good Critique Partner.” And be sure to click on the links throughout this document for valuable resources on becoming a better writer.
[Fiction] Friday Challenge #199
So here’s this week’s [Fiction] Friday Challenge #199 for March 18th, 2011:
The one thing your character regrets learning the most is……
Making Money With My Writing
Amanda Hocking is making a MINT at selling her books at 99 cents a piece. I WANT IN!!!
10 Ways a Writer Can Take Advantage of Today’s Technology
This blog post is packed with resources for writers all because technology today makes it possible! Be sure to click on all the links…there may be resources and information you’ve never known about that could be the one thing/tip/resource to launch your writing career. And bookmark the ones you love!
Eliminating Writer’s Block
Writer’s block…that dreaded disease that prevents your creativity from flowing and brings your writing to a grinding halt. As writers, we all experience it at one time or another and we all know it’s the downside of being an author…or is it? Believe it or not, I believe I have found the cure for Writer’s Block!
Writing Updates
The latest updates on my current projects related to my writing.